Search Results - "personality"

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  1. 4441

    DESIGNING AND CONDUCTING HEALTH SURVEYS A Comprehensive Guide by Aday, Lu Ann, Cornelius, Llewellyn Joseph 1959-

    Published 2006
    Table of Contents: “…Chapter 10: Formulating Questions About Demographics And Behaviorchapter 11: Formulating Questions About Knowledge And Attitudes; Chapter 12: Guidelines For Formatting The Questionnaire; Chapter 13: Monitoring And Carrying Out The Survey; Chapter 14: Preparing The Data For Analysis; Chapter 15: Planning And Implementing The Analysis Of The Data; Chapter 16: Writing The Research Report; Resource A: Personal Interview Survey: Unicef Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey (Mics-2) -- End-Decade Study; Resource B: Telephone Interview Survey: California Health Interview Survey (Chis) -- 2001. …”
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  2. 4442

    Capital punishment

    Published 2007
    Table of Contents: “…Yes, capital punishment is administered fairly : The chance of executing an innocent person is very slight / Richard A. Posner -- Capital punishment is administered fairly / Joshua Marquis -- Death row reforms may lead to a fairer criminal justice system / Jean M. …”
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  3. 4443

    Essential values-based practice clinical stories linking science with people by Fulford, K. W. M., Peile, Ed, Carroll, Heidi

    Published 2012
    Table of Contents: “…(episode 2): applying the tools already in the clinical toolbox for working with values to individuals -- An outline of values-based practice: its point, premise and ten-part process -- The clinical skills for values-based practice: introduction to recovery in schizophrenia: a values wake-up call -- Teenage acne: widening our values horizons -- A smoking enigma: getting (and not getting) the knowledge -- Diabetic control and controllers: nothing without communication -- Relationships in values-based practice: introduction to 'best' in breast cancer: clinician values and person-centred care -- Risks in safeguarding children: team values as well as skills -- Science and values-based practice: introduction to the reluctant hypertensive: think evidence, think values too! …”
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  4. 4444

    Marketing An Introduction by Armstrong, Gary

    Published 2015
    Table of Contents: “…Brief ContentsPART 1 DEFINING MARKETING AND THE MARKETING PROCESS 21 Marketing: Creating and Capturing Customer Value 22 Company and Marketing Strategy: Partnering to Build Customer Value and Relationships 36PART 2 UNDERSTANDING THE MARKETPLACE AND CUSTOMER VALUE 643 Analyzing the Marketing Environment 644 Managing Marketing Information to Gain Customer Insights 965 Understanding Consumer and Business Buyer Behavior 130PART 3 DESIGNING A CUSTOMER VALUE-DRIVEN STRATEGY AND MIX 1686 Customer-Driven Marketing Strategy: Creating Value for Target Customers 1687 Products, Services, and Brands: Building Customer Value 2008 New Product Development and Product Life-Cycle Strategies 2369 Pricing: Understanding and Capturing Customer Value 26410 Marketing Channels: Delivering Customer Value 30211 Retailing and Wholesaling 33412 Engaging Consumers and Communicating Customer Value: Advertising and Public Relations 36613 Personal Selling and Sales Promotion 40214 Direct, Online, Social Media, and Mobile Marketing 434PART 4 EXTENDING MARKETING 46615 The Global Marketplace 46616 Sustainable Marketing: Social Responsibility and Ethics 494Appendix 1 Company Cases 523Appendix 2 Marketing Plan 557Appendix 3 Marketing by the Numbers 569Glossary 587References 597Index 623…”
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  5. 4445

    Library automation and OPAC 20 information access and services in the 20 landscape

    Published 2013
    Table of Contents: “…: a year after / Birong Ho -- Quantitative approach applied to user interface of Latin American Web OPACs / Elsa Barber, Silvia Pisano, Sandra Romagnoli, Verâonica Parsiale, Gabriela de Pedro, Carolina Gregui, Nancy Blanco -- Intelligent personal agents in Library 2.0 environments: an assistant prototype / Jesus Tramoullas, Piedad Garrido -- Library analytics on the Web 2.0 era : technology integration needs and indicators to monitor "user awareness" with Web analytics techniques / Jorge Serrano Cobos -- Library 2.0 amd Personsal information management: A way forward using social networks / Elena Corradini, Mario Perez-Montoro -- Web 2.0 technology as a teaching tool / Lara Skelly.…”
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  6. 4446

    Managing Digital Resources in Libraries

    Published 2005
    Table of Contents: “…Leathem -- Elin@, Electronic Library Information Navigator : towards the "one stop shop" / Anna Alwerud, Lotte Jorgensen -- Western Michigan University Libraries' "Electronic Journal Finder" / Randle Gedeon, George Boston -- Integrating print and electronic resources : Joyner Library's "Pirate Source" / Clark Nall, Janice Steed Lewis -- Electronic journals in aggregated collections : providing access through the catalog and a Cold Fusion database / Sue Anderson -- Just another format : integrating resources for users of personal digital assistants / Denise Koufogiannakis, Pam Ryan, Susan Dahl -- Issues in the development of an all-digital public health library in Michigan : the Michigan Community Health Electronic Library / Harvey R. …”
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  7. 4447

    Beyond Silenced Voices Class, Race, and Gender in United States Schools

    Published 1993
    Table of Contents: “…Stevenson andJeanne Ellsworth -- Resisting racism : personal testimonies of African-American teachers / Michele Foster -- Constructing race at an urban high school : in their minds, their mouths, their hearts / Jody Cohen -- The college experience of Native Americans : a critical analysis / William G. …”
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  8. 4448

    Principles of MARKETING by Kotler, Philip, Armstrong, Gary, Opresnik, Marc Oliver

    Published 2018
    Table of Contents: “…Advertising and Public Relations 16. Personal Selling and Sales Promotion 17. Direct, Online, Social Media, and Mobile Marketing Part 4: Extending Marketing 18. …”
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  9. 4449

    Translational Bioinformatics in Healthcare and Medicine Advances in ubiquitous sensing applications for healthcare

    Published 2021
    Table of Contents: “…Genomics in clinical care through precision medicine and personalized treatments - 5. A review of a hybrid IoT-NG-PON system for translational bioinformatics in healthcare - 6. …”
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  10. 4450
  11. 4451

    Bradley's neurology in clinical practice

    Published 2016
    Table of Contents: “…Diagnosis of neurological disease -- Episodic impairment of consciousness -- Falls and drop attacks -- Delirium -- Stupor and coma -- Brain death, vegetative state, and minimally conscious states -- Intellectual and memory impairments -- Global developmental delay and regression -- Behavior and personality disturbances -- Depression and psychosis in neurological practice -- Limb apraxias and related disorders -- Agnosias -- Aphasia and aphasic syndromes -- Dysarthria and apraxia of speech -- Neurogenic dysphagia -- Visual loss -- Abnormalities of the optic nerve and retina -- Pupillary and eyelid abnormalities -- Disturbances of smell and taste -- Cranial and facial pain -- Brainstem syndromes -- Ataxic and cerebellar disorders -- Diagnosis and assessment of Parkinson disease and other movement disorders -- Gait disorders -- Hemiplegia and monoplegia -- Paraplegia and spinal cord syndromes -- Proximal, distal, and generalized weakness -- Muscle pain and cramps -- Hypotonic (floppy) infant -- Sensory abnormalities of the limbs, trunk, and face -- Arm and neck pain -- Lower back and lower limb pain -- Laboratory investigations in diagnosis and management of neurological disease -- Electroencephalography and evoked potentials -- Clinical electromyography -- Neuromodulation and transcranial magnetic stimulation -- Deep brain stimulation -- Intraoperative monitoring -- Structural imaging using magnetic resonance imaging and computed tomography -- Vascular imaging : computed tomographic angiography, magnetic resonance angiography, and ultrasound -- Functional neuroimaging : functional magnetic resonance imaging, positron emission tomography, and single-photon emission computed tomography -- Chemical imaging : ligands and pathology-seeking agents -- Neuropsychology -- Neuro-ophthalmology : ocular motor system -- Neuro-ophthalmology : afferent visual system -- Neuro-otology : diagnosis and management of neuro-otological disorders -- Neurourology -- Sexual dysfunctions in neurological disorders -- Neuroepidemiology -- Clinical neurogenetics -- Neuroimmunology -- Neuroendocrinology -- Management of neurological disease -- Principles of pain management -- Principles of neurointensive care -- Principles of neurointerventional therapy -- Neurological rehabilitation -- Neurological complications of systemic disease : adults -- Neurological complications of systemic disease : children -- Basic neuroscience of neurotrauma -- Sports and performance concussion -- Craniocerebral trauma -- Spinal cord trauma…”
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  12. 4452

    Mallal's digest of Malaysian and Singapore case law

    Published 1958
    Table of Contents: “…Injunction to particulars v. 2(4) Particulars to stay at proceedings v. 2(5) Stay at proceedings to wrongful arrest v. 3(1) Companies and corporations v. 3(2) Company law to constitutional law v. 3(3) Contract v. 3(4) Contract to copyright v. 4(1) Criminal law v. 4(2) Criminal law v. 4(3) Criminal law v. 5(1) Criminal procedure abuse of process to default judgment v. 5(2) Criminal procedure defence to sentencing v. 5(3) Criminal procedure sentencing to witness v. 6(1) Currency to damages (personal injury or death) v. 6(2) Damages (personal injury or death) to election v. 6(3) Election to equity v. 9 Landloard and tenant to limitation v. 10(1) Local government to preventive detention v. 10(2) Preventive detention to revenue law v. 11(1) Road traffic to shipping and navigation v. 11(2) Shipping and navigation to succession v. 12(1) Tort abuse of process to negligence v. 12(2) Tort to women and girls…”
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  13. 4453

    Practical tips for developing your staff by Pratchett, Tracey, Gil Young, Carol Brooks, Jeskins, Lisa, Monagle, Helen

    Published 2016
    Table of Contents: “…Job Descriptions 14. Person Specifications 15. Advertisements 16. Shortlisting 17. …”
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  14. 4454

    Multiple sclerosis a self-care guide to wellness by Holland, Nancy J

    Published 2005
    Table of Contents: “…Northrop -- Community living options / Debra Frankel -- Obtaining personal assistance / Debra Frankel, Pamela F. Cavallo…”
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  15. 4455

    A reader in marketing communications

    Published 2005
    Table of Contents: “…/ by Julie Verity -- Personal selling -- Reading: ?transformation of the traditional salesforce: imperatives for intelligence -- Interface, and integration? …”
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  16. 4456


    Published 2017
    Table of Contents: “…Grace)Performance in small student groups: group personality, identity and norms (Conal Monaghan and Boris Bizumic)Student identity and the marketization of higher education (Stefanie J. …”
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  17. 4457

    Environment 06/07

    Published 2007
    Table of Contents: “…Borer -- The irony of climate / Brian Halweil -- World population, agriculture, and malnutrition / David Pimentel and Anne Wilson -- Powder keg / Keith Kloor -- Personalized energy : the next paradigm / Stephen M. …”
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  18. 4458

    Universal Methods of Design 100 Ways to Research Complex Problems, Develop Innovative Ideas, and Design Effective Solutions by Martin, Bella, Hanington, Bruce M

    Published 2012
    Table of Contents: “…A/B testing -- AEIOU -- Affinity diagramming -- Artifact analysis -- Automated remote research -- Behavioral mapping -- Bodystorming -- Brainstorm graphic organizers -- Business origami -- Card sorting -- Case studies -- Cognitive mapping -- Cognitive walkthrough -- Collage -- Competitive testing -- Concept mapping -- Content analysis -- Content inventory & audit -- Contextual design -- Contextual inquiry -- Creative toolkits -- Critical incident technique -- Crowdsourcing -- Cultural probes -- Customer experience audit -- Design charette -- Design ethnography -- Design workshops -- Desirability testing -- Diary studies -- Directed storytelling -- Elito method -- Ergonomic analysis -- Evaluative research -- Evidence-based design -- Experience prototyping -- Experience sampling method -- Experiments -- Exploratory research -- eyetracking -- Flexible modeling -- Fly-on-the-wall observation -- Focus groups -- Generative research -- Graffiti walls -- Heuristic evaluation -- Image boards -- Interviews -- KJ technique -- Kano analysis -- Key performance indicators -- Laddering -- Literature reviews -- The love letter & the breakup letter -- Mental model diagrams -- Mind mapping -- Observation -- Parallel prototyping -- Participant observation -- Participatory Action Research (PAR) -- Participatory design -- Personal inventories -- Personas -- Photo studies -- Picture cards -- Prototyping -- Questionnaires -- Rapid Iterative Testing & Evaluation (RITE) -- Remote moderated research -- Research through design -- Role-playing -- Scenario description swimlanes -- Scenarios -- Secondary research -- Semantic differential -- Shadowing -- Simulation exercises -- Site search analytics -- Speed dating -- Stakeholder maps -- Stakeholder walkthrough -- Storyboards -- Surveys -- Task analysis -- Territory maps -- Thematic networks -- Think-aloud protocol -- Time-aware research -- Touchstone tours -- Triading -- Triangulation -- Unobtrusive measures -- Usability report -- Usability testing -- User journey maps -- Value opportunity analysis -- Web analytics -- Weighted matrix -- Wizard of Oz -- Word clouds.…”
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  19. 4459

    Narrative research in health and illness /

    Published 2004
    Table of Contents: “…Boynton, Annabelle Auerbach -- The DIPEx project: collecting personal experiences of illness and health care / Andrew Herxheimer, Sue Ziebland --…”
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  20. 4460

    Borg Bobby Music Marketing for the DIY Musician Paperback Bam Book Creating and Executing a Plan of Attack on a Low Budget by Borg, Bobby

    Published 2014
    Table of Contents: “…An overview of the complete DIY marketing process : creating and executing a plan of attack in a nutshell -- Describe your company's vision : identifying your musical purpose and setting your career on course -- Identifying profitable opportunities or "needs" : conducting a SWOT analysis -- Analyze your customers : Identifying, segmenting, and targeting your market -- Learn from your competitors : conducting a competitor analysis -- Demo your products and services : getting feedback before committing your valuable resources -- Set your marketing plan goals : using the SMART model -- Develop your company's brand strategy : creating the right identity for your company and its people -- Develop a brand strategy for your products/services : achieving the desired image for your tours, records, merch, and more -- Finalize your products and services for the marketplace : delivering on the promise of your brand -- Devise a pricing strategy : reinforcing your brand image and generating revenue and awareness -- Establish a place strategy, part 1 : booking live-performance sets and distributing records -- Establish a place strategy, part 2 : distributing your merch and songs effectively for sale and/or license -- Formulate a promotion strategy, part 1 : winning over fans via publicity and paid advertising -- Formulate a promotion strategy, part 2 : using Internet, word-of-mouth, and guerrilla marketing to get customers -- Formulate a promotion strategy, part 3 : winning over fans via radio play and creative sponsorships -- Formulate a promotion strategy, part 4 : uitilizing direct marketing, personal selling, and sales promotions to get fans -- Prepare a measuring strategy : tracking, analyzing, and adjusting your market campaign -- Assemble your Marketing Plan of Attack : presenting your business and marketing ideas effectively -- Execute your marketing plan effectively : adopting the right policies that get your company results -- Continue to learn about marketing : strengthening your marketing muscles with 20 exercises.…”
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