Search Results - "medical"

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    Medical Statistics A TEXTBOOK FOR THE HEALTH SCIENCES by Walters, Stephen J., Campbell, Michael J., Machin, David

    Published 2021
    Table of Contents: “…Uses and abuses of medical statistics -- Displaying and summarising data -- Summary measures for binary data -- Probability and distributions -- Populations, samples, standard errors and confidence intervals -- Hypothesis testing, p-values and statistical inference -- Comparing two or more groups with continuously measured data -- Comparing groups of binary and categorical data -- Correlation and linear regression -- Logistic regression -- Survival analysis -- Reliability and method comparison studies -- Evaluation of diagnostic tests -- Observational studies -- The randomised controlled trial -- Sample size issues -- Other statistical methods -- Meta-analysis -- Common mistakes and pitfalls.…”
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    Medical law text, cases, and materials by Jackson, Emily 1966-

    Published 2022
    Table of Contents: “…An introduction to bioethics -- The provision of health care services : the NHS, resource allocation, and public health -- Medical malpractice -- Informed consent -- Incapacity I : adults -- Incapacity II : children -- Mental health law -- Confidentiality -- Genetic information -- Clinical research -- The regulation of medicines -- Organ transplantation -- Embryo research, stem cells, and emerging biotechnologies -- Abortion -- Assisted conception -- Surrogacy -- Assisted dying.…”
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    British Medical Association complete home medical guide

    Published 2010
    “…Complete home medical guide…”
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