Search Results - "health care provider"

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    Understanding health policy a clinical approach by Bodenheimer, Thomas, Grumbach, Kevin

    Published 2012
    Table of Contents: “…Introduction: the paradox of excess and deprivation -- Paying for health care -- Access to health care -- Reimbursing health care providers -- How health care is organised--I: primary, secondary, and tertiary care -- How health care is organised--II: health delivery systems -- Health care workforce and the education of health professionals -- Painful versus painless cost control -- Mechanisms for controlling costs -- Quality of health care -- Prevention of illness -- Long-term care -- Medical ethics and rationing of health care -- Health care in four nations -- Health care reform and national health insurance -- Conflict and change in America's health care system -- Conclusion: tensions and challenges -- Questions and discussion topics.…”
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    Communication Skills for the Health Care Professional Context, Concepts, Practice, and Evidence by Van Servellen, Gwen 1942-

    Published 2020
    Table of Contents: “…Machine generated contents note: -- PartI The Context for Health Care Communications in an Evolving Health Care System Chapter1 Evolution of Health Care Delivery and Implications for Health Providers Chapter2 Technological Advances Have Changed the Way Health Professionals and Patients Communicate Chapter3 Problems in Access to and Availability of Health Care Intimately Linked to Patient-Provider Communications PartII Foundations for Understanding Communications in Health Care Chapter4 Principles of Human Communication Chapter5 The Nature of Therapeutic Communications Chapter6 Cultural Similarities and Differences and Communication PartIII Critical Competencies in Therapeutic Communications Chapter7 The Pervasive Role of Empathy, Confirmation, and Compassion Chapter8 Communications That Contribute to Trust and Mistrust of Providers Chapter9 The Art and Skillful Use of Questions Chapter10 Therapeutic Use of Silence and Pauses Chapter11 The Impact of Self-Disclosures Chapter12 The Proper Placement of Advisement Chapter13 Reflections and Interpretations Chapter14 The Judicious Use of Confrontations, Orders, and Commands PartIV Communications to Ensure Comprehensive and Continuous Patient-Centered Care under Challenging Circumstances Chapter15 Communicating with Patients with Low Health Literacy Chapter16 Communicating with Patients Who Have Chronic and/or Life Threatening Illness Chapter17 Communicating with Patients and Families in Crisis Chapter18 Communicating Effectively with Patients Displaying Significant Negative or Resistive Coping Responses PartV Beyond Patient-Provider Encounters: Managing Communications Within and Across Relevant Constituencies Chapter19 Communications Within and Across Health Care Provider Groups Chapter20 Beyond Patient-Provider Encounters: Managing Communications Within and Across Relevant Constituencies Chapter21 Family Dynamics and Communications with Patients' Significant Others PartVI Ethics and Communications in Health Care Chapter22 Patient's Rights to Informed Choice and Consent in Health Care Decision Making Chapter23 The Privileged Nature of Patient- Provider Communications: Issues of Confidentiality, Anonymity, and Privacy PartVII Transforming Health Care through Changing Patient Behaviors and Systems of Care Chapter24 Transforming Health Care through Changing Patient Behaviors and Systems of Care Chapter25 Altering Systems of Care to Enhance Health Care Communications PartVIII Evidence Supports the Importance of Effective Communications Chapter26 Bringing Health Provider Communication to the Patient, Not Patient to Provider Chapter27 Communications to Promote Behavior Change Chapter28 Collaborative Care to Promote Treatment Adherence and Effective Mental Health Care Chapter29 Communications for Advance Care Planning.…”
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    Lewis's Medical-Surgical Nursing Assessment and Management of Clinical Problems by Harding, Mariann M. author

    Published 2020
    Table of Contents: “…Professional nursing -- Health equity and culturally competent care -- Health history and physical examination -- Patient and caregiver teaching -- Chronic illness and older adults -- Stress management -- Sleep and sleep disorders -- Pain -- Palliative and end-of-life care -- Substance use disorders -- Inflammation and healing -- Genetics -- Immune responses and transplantation -- Infection -- Cancer -- Fluid, electrolyte, and acid-base imbalances -- Preoperative care -- Intraoperative care -- Postoperative care -- Assessment and management: visual problems -- Assessment and management: auditory problems -- Assessment: Integumentary system -- Integumentary problems -- Burns -- Assessment: Respiratory system -- Upper respiratory problems -- Lower respiratory problems -- Obstructive pulmonary diseases -- Assessment: Hematologic system -- Hematologic problems -- Assessment: Cardiovascular system -- Hypertension -- Coronary artery disease and acute coronary syndrome -- Heart failure -- Dysrhythmias -- Inflammatory and structural heart disorders -- Vascular disorders -- Assessment: Gastrointestinal system -- Nutritional problems -- Obesity -- Upper gastrointestinal problems -- Lower gastrointestinal problems -- Liver, biliary tract, and pancreas problems -- Assessment: Urinary system -- Renal and urologic problems -- Acute kidney injury and chronic kidney disease -- Assessment: Endocrine system -- Diabetes mellitus -- Endocrine problems -- Assessment: Reproductive system -- Breast disorders -- Sexually transmitted infections -- Female reproductive problems -- Male Reproductive problems -- Assessment: Nervous system -- Acute intracranial problems -- Stroke -- Chronic neurologic problems -- Dementia and delirium -- Spinal cord and peripheral nerve problems -- Assessment: Musculoskeletal system -- Musculoskeletal trauma and orthopedic surgery -- Musculoskeletal problems -- Arthritis and connective tissue diseases -- Critical care -- Shock, sepsis, and multiple organ dysfunction syndrome -- Acute respiratory failure and acute respiratory distress syndrome -- Emergency and disaster nursing -- Appendix A: Basic life support for health care providers -- Appendix B: Nursing diagnoses -- Appendix C: Laboratory reference intervals.…”
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