Search Results - "gland"

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    Blueprints medicine by Young, Vincent B., Kormos, William A.

    Published 2004
    Table of Contents: “…Chest pain -- Shock -- Coronary artery disease -- Myocardial infarction -- Heart failure -- Bradyarrhythmias -- Tachyarrhythmias -- Hypertension -- Valvular heart disease -- Cardiovascular disease -- Syncope -- Dyspnea -- Cough -- Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease -- Asthma -- Pulmonary embolism -- Interstitial lung disease -- Pleural effusions -- Lung cancer -- Acid-base disturbances -- Fluid and electrolytes -- Acute renal failure -- Chronic renal failure -- Glomerular disease -- Nephrolithiasis -- Hematuria -- Fever and rash -- Pneumonia -- Sexually transmitted diseases -- Urinary tract infections -- Tuberculosis -- Gastroenteritis -- Infective endocarditis -- Meningitis -- HIV part 1: Initial careof the HIV-infected patient -- HIV part II: Prophylaxis and treatment of opportunistic infections in HIV -- Abdominal pain -- Diarrhea -- Peptic ulcer disease and gastritis -- Inflammatory bowel disease -- Hepatitis -- Cirrhosis -- Cholestatic liver disease -- Pancreatitis -- Colorectal cancer -- Weight loss -- Hyperthyroidism -- Hypothyroidism -- Diabetes mellitus -- Hypercalcemia -- Diseases of the adrenal gland -- Pituitary disease -- Nutritional disorders -- Hyperlipidemia -- Acute monoarticular arthritis -- Low back pain -- Rheumatoid arthritis -- Seronegative spondyloarthropathies -- Connective tissue diseases -- Vasculitis -- Amyloidosis -- Anemia -- Hemolytic anemia -- Adenopathy -- Bleeding disorders -- Breast cancer -- Prostate cancer -- Leukemia and lymphoma -- Acute complications of cancer therapy -- Paraneoplastic disorders.…”
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  2. 122

    Anatomy at a glance by Faiz, Omar

    Published 2006
    Table of Contents: “…Cranial nerves VI - XII -- The arteries I -- The arteries II and the veins -- Anterior and posterior triangles -- The pharynx and larynx -- The root of the neck -- The oesophagus and trachea and the thyroid gland -- The upper part of the neck and thesubmandibular region -- The mouth, palate and nose -- The face and scalp -- The cranial cavity -- The orbit and eyeball -- The ear, and lymphatics and surface anatomy of the head and neck -- Head and neck, developmental aspects -- The spine -- The spinal cord…”
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    Oral care in advanced disease

    Published 2005
    Table of Contents: “…Oral assessment / Andrew Davies -- Oral hygiene / Petrina Sweeney -- Domiciliary dental care / Angus Walls -- Oral infections: an introduction / Susan Brailsford and David Beighton -- Fungal infections / Ilora Finlay and Andrew Davies -- Bacterial infections / Jeremy Bagg -- Viral infections / Jeremy Bagg -- Salivary gland dysfunction / Andrew Davies -- Taste disturbance / Carla Ripamonti and Fabio Fulfaro -- Halitosis / Kate Shorthose and Andrew Davies -- Oral pain / John Meechan -- Miscellaneous oral problems / Anita Sengupta and John Eveson -- Head and neck cancer / Jan Roodenburg and Andrew Davies -- Oral complications of cancer treatment / Mark Chambers ... …”
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    Localization in Clinical Neurology by Brazis, Paul W., Masdeu, Joseph C., Biller, Jose

    Published 2022
    Table of Contents: “…General principles of neurologic localization -- Peripheral nerves -- Cervical, brachial, and lumbosacral plexuses -- Spinal nerve and root -- Spinal cord -- Cranial nerve I (the olfactory nerve) -- Visual pathways -- The localization of lesions affecting the ocular motor system -- Cranial nerve V (the trigeminal nerve) -- Cranial nerve VII (the facial nerve) -- Cranial nerve VIII (the vestibulocochlear nerve) -- Cranial nerves IX and X (the glossopharyngeal and vagus nerves) -- Cranial nerve XI (the spinal accessory nerve) -- Cranial nerve XII (the hypoglossal nerve) -- Brainstem -- The cerebellum -- The localization of lesions affecting the hypothalamus and pituitary gland -- The anatomic localization of lesions in the thalamus -- Basal ganglia -- The localization of lesions affecting the cerebral hemispheres -- Localization of lesions in the autonomic nervous system -- Vascular syndromes of the forebrain, brainstem, and cerebellum -- The localization of lesions causing coma.…”
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  8. 128

    Hurwitz Clinical Pediatric Dermatology A Textbook of Skin Disorders of Childhood and Adolescence by Paller, Amy S., Mancini, Anthony J. 1964-

    Published 2022
    Table of Contents: “…An overview of dermatologic diagnosis and procedures -- Cutaneous disorders of the newborn -- Eczematous eruptions in childhood -- Papulosquamous and related disorders -- Hereditary disorders of cornification -- Hereditary disorders of the dermis -- Disorders of hair and nails -- Disorders of the sebaceous and sweat glands -- Cutaneous tumors and tumor syndromes -- Histiocytoses and malignant skin diseases -- Disorders of pigmentation -- Vascular disorders of infancy and childhood -- Bullous disorders of childhood -- Bacterial, mycobacterial, and protozoal infections of the skin -- Viral diseases of the skin -- Exanthematous diseases of childhood -- Skin disorders caused by fungi -- Infestations, bites, and stings -- Photosensitivity and photoreactions -- The hypersensitivity syndromes -- Vasculitic disorders -- Collagen vascular disorders -- Endocrine disorders and the skin -- Inborn errors of metabolism -- Skin signs of other systemic diseases -- Abuse and factitial disorders.…”
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  9. 129

    Textbook of oral and maxillofacial surgery

    Published 2014
    Table of Contents: “…Diseases of Maxillary sinus -- Section 5: Salivary glands pathologies. 15. Diseases of Salivary glands -- Section 6: Infections of maxilofacial region. 16. …”
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  10. 130

    Localization in clinical neurology by Brazis, Paul W., Masdeu, Joseph C., Biller, José

    Published 2017
    Table of Contents: “…General principles of neurologic localization -- Peripheral nerves -- Cervical, brachial, and lumbosacral plexi -- Spinal nerve and root -- Spinal cord -- Cranial nerve I (the olfactory nerve) -- Visual pathways -- The localization of lesions affecting the ocular motor system -- Cranial nerve V (the trigeminal nerve) -- Cranial nerve VII (the facial nerve) -- Cranial nerve VIII (the vestibulocochlear nerve) -- Cranial nerves IX and X (the glossopharyngeal and vagus nerves) -- Cranial nerve XI (the spinal accessory nerve) -- Cranial nerve XII (the hypoglossal nerve) -- Brainstem -- The cerebellum -- The localization of lesions affecting the hypothalamus and pituitary gland -- The anatomic localization of lesions in the thalamus -- Basal ganglia -- The localization of lesions affecting the cerebral hemispheres -- Localization of lesions in the autonomic nervous system -- Vascular syndromes of the forebrain, brainstem, and cerebellum -- The localization of lesions causing coma.…”
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  11. 131

    Clinical anatomy by systems by Snell, Richard S.

    Published 2007
    Table of Contents: “…Introduction to clinical anatomy -- The upper and lower airway and associated structures -- The chest wall, chest cavity, lungs, and pleural cavities -- The heart, coronary vessels, and pericardium -- The blood vessels of the thorax -- The blood vessels of the head and neck -- The blood vessels of the upper extremity -- The blood vessels of the abdomen, pelvis and perineum -- The blood vessels of the lower extremity -- The lymph vessels and lymph tissue -- Bones and cartilage -- Joints -- Skeletal muscles -- The skull, the brain, the meninges, and the blood supply of the brain relative to trauma and intracranial hemorrhage -- The cranial nerves and cranial nerve blocks -- The vertebral column, the spinal cord, and the meninges -- The spinal nerves and spinal nerve blocks -- The eye and the ear -- The abdominal wall, the peritoneal cavity, the retroperitoneal space, and the alimentary tract -- The viscera associated with the alimentary tract: the liver the pancreas, and the spleen -- The kidneys, ureters, bladder and urethra -- Male genital organs, the penis and scrotum -- The perineum, the female genital organs, and childbirth -- The endocrine glands.…”
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  12. 132

    Fundamentals of oncologic PET/CT / by Ulaner, Gary A.

    Published 2019
    Table of Contents: “…Introduction to FDG PET/CT -- FDG PET/CT performance and reporting -- Skeleton on FDG PET/CT -- Muscle and nerve on FDG PET/CT -- Skin and breast on FDG PET/CT -- Brain on FDG PET/CT -- Head and neck on FDG PET/CT -- Lung on FDG PET/CT -- Pleura on FDG PET/CT -- Heart on FDG PET/CT -- Thymus masses on FDG PET/CT -- Hepatobiliary FDG PET/CT -- Spleen on FDG PET/CT -- Pancreas on FDG PET/CT -- Adrenal glands on FDG PET/CT -- Gastrointestinal tract on FDG PET/CT -- Peritoneum on FDG PET/CT -- Urinary tract on FDG PET/CT (kidneys, ureters, bladder) -- Female pelvis on FDG PET/CT -- Male pelvis on FDG PET/CT -- Lymph nodes on FDG PET/CT -- Measuring treatment response on FDG PET/CT -- Artifacts on FDG PET/CT -- Radiotracers other than FDG for oncologic PET/CT.…”
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  13. 133

    Practical pulmonary pathology a diagnostic approach

    Published 2018
    Table of Contents: “…Wick -- Nonneuroendocrine carcinomas (excluding "sarcomatoid" carcinoma) and salivary gland analogue tumors of the lung / Philip T. Cagle and Timothy C. …”
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  14. 134

    Radiographic anatomy, positioning, and procedures by Oswald, Rita

    Published 1996
    Table of Contents: “…Compact disk U.10:thoracis viscera-U.11:long bone measurement-U.12:contrast arthrography-U.13:foreign body localization and trauma-U.14:mouth and salivary glands-U.15:anterior part of neck-U.16:digestive system (part 1)-U.17:digestive system(part 2)…”
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  15. 135

    Pathophysiology of disease an introduction to clinical medicine

    Published 2010
    Table of Contents: “…Funk -- Disorders of the hypothalamus & pituitary gland / Tobias Else & Gary D. Hammer -- Thyroid disease / Douglas C. …”
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  16. 136

    Spencer's pathology of the lung

    Published 2012
    Table of Contents: “…Flieder and Elisabeth Brambilla -- Large cell and adenosquamous / Sylvie Lantuejoul ... [et al.] -- Salivary gland neoplasms / Sanja Dacic -- Neuroendocrine proliferations and neoplasms / John R. …”
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