Search Results - "eye"

  1. 981
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    Introduction to human disease pathophysiology for the health professional by Loeffler, Agnes Gertrud 1966-, Hart, Michael Noel 1938-

    Published 2015
    Table of Contents: “…Introduction to pathology -- Most frequent and significant diseases -- Diagnostic resources -- Injury, inflammation, and repair -- Hyperplasias and neoplasms -- Cancer -- Genetic and developmental diseases -- Vascular system -- Heart -- Hematopoietic system -- Bleeding and clotting disorders -- Lung -- Oral region, upper respiratory tract, and ear -- Gastrointestinal tract -- Liver, gallbladder, and pancreas -- Kidney, lower urinary tract, and male genital organs -- Female genital organs -- Breast -- Skin -- Eye -- Bones and joints -- Skeletal muscle and peripheral nerve -- Central nervous system -- Mental illness -- Endocrine system -- Infectious diseases -- Immunologic diseases -- Physical injury -- Chemical injury -- Nutritional disorders and alcoholism.…”
    Click Here to View Status and Holdings.
  11. 991
  12. 992
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  14. 994
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  16. 996
  17. 997
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  19. 999
  20. 1000