Search Results - "causal"

  1. 61

    LILIENFELDS's Foundations of Epidemiology

    Published 2015
    Table of Contents: “…Laying the foundations : the epidemiologic approach -- Threads of epidemiologic history -- Selected epidemiologic concepts of disease -- Inferring causal relationships from epidemiologic studies -- Vital statistics -- Vital statistics : studies -- Morbidity statistics -- Morbidity statistics : studies -- Observational studies I : cohort studies -- Observational studies II : case-control studies -- Experimental studies I : randomized controlled trials -- Experimental studies II : community and cluster randomized trials -- Clinical applications -- Field epidemiology -- Evidence-based practices…”
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    How to Design and Evaluate Research in Education by Fraenkel, Jack R. 1932-, Wallen, Norman, Hyun, Helen

    Published 2019
    Table of Contents: “…The nature of research -- The research problem -- Locating and reviewing the literature -- Ethics and research -- Variables and hypotheses -- Sampling -- Instrumentation -- Validity and reliability -- Internal validity -- Descriptive statistics -- Inferential statistics -- Statistics in perspective -- Experimental research -- Single-subject research -- Correlational research -- Causal-comparative research -- Survey research -- The nature of qualitative research -- Observation and interviewing -- Content analysis -- Ethnographic research -- Historical research -- Mixed-methods research -- Action research -- Preparing research proposals and reports…”
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    God and his attributes lesson on Islamic doctrine by Musavi, Lari Mujtaba

    Published 2008
    Table of Contents: “…The development of beliefs through the ages -- The depths of man's being impel him to seek god -- God and empirical logic -- Belif in the reality of the unseen involves more than god -- The manifestations of god in nature -- The need of the world for one without need -- The finiteness of the chain of causality -- Pseudo-scientific demagoguery -- How does the Quran present god? …”
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