Search Results - "abstraction"

  1. 661

    Research & writing skills success in 20 minutes a day by Stark, Rachael

    Published 2003
    Table of Contents: “…Pretest -- Getting started -- Finding a topic -- Getting essential information from print sources -- Getting essential information from online sources -- Selecting the best sources -- Interviewing primary sources -- Notetaking -- Beginning an outline-- Finalizing an outline --How to write a thesis -- Writing a first draft -- Establishing tone with word choice -- Using point of view -- Emotional versus logical appeals -- Distinguishing fact from opinion -- Revising your draft -- Proofreading and editing your draft -- Adding footnotes, endnotes, and parenthetical citations -- Writing a bibliography -- Writing an annotated bibliography, a historiography, and abstract -- Post-test…”
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  2. 662
  3. 663
  4. 664

    100 IDEAS THAT CHANGED ARCHITECTURE by Weston, Richard 1953-

    Published 2011
    Table of Contents: “…Fireplace -- Floor -- Wall -- Column and beam -- Door -- Window -- Brick -- Staircase -- Classical orders -- Arch -- Vault -- Dome -- Arcade -- Courtyard -- Atrium -- Platform -- Basilica --- Humanism -- Proportion -- Form -- Ornament -- Ideal -- Module -- Grid -- Symmetry -- Commodity, firmness, and delight -- Particularity -- Architect -- Orthographic projection -- Perspective projection -- Composition -- Utopia -- Style -- Palladianism -- Corridor -- Primitive hut -- Genius loci -- Scenography -- Picturesque -- Gothic revival -- Beaux-arts -- Iron -- Steel -- Glass -- Roof lighting -- Structural frame -- Central heating -- Electric lighting -- The elevator -- Reinforced concrete -- Art of building -- Tectonic form -- Polychromy -- Conservation -- Empathy -- Air conditioning -- Form follows function -- Zeitgeist -- Space -- Modernity -- In the nature of materials -- Cladding -- Organic architecture -- Ornament is crime -- Free plan -- Architectural promenade -- Five points of a new architecture -- Abstraction -- Transparency -- Axonometric projection -- Collage -- Layering -- International style -- Less is more -- Regionalism -- Flexibility -- Beton brut -- Morphology -- Additive composition -- Servant and served spaces -- Postmodernism -- Complexity and contradiction -- Shed -- Type -- Context -- Place -- Phenomenology -- Skin -- Computer-aided design -- Rainscreen cladding -- Community architecture -- Universal design -- Design and build -- Passive design -- Sustainability -- Deconstruction -- Bigness -- Fold -- Parametric design -- Everyday…”
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  5. 665
  6. 666
  7. 667

    Phenomenology and philosophy of mind

    Published 2005
    Table of Contents: “…Brandl -- Consciousness of abstract objects / Richard Tieszen -- Unities of consciousness -- Husserl and the logic of consciousness / Wayne M. …”
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  8. 668
  9. 669

    Knowledge organization and classification in international information retrieval

    Published 2003
    Table of Contents: “…Kent -- Perspectives on managing knowledge in organizations / Chun Wei Choo -- Global abstractions : the classification of international economic data for bibliographic and statistical purposes / D. …”
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  10. 670

    Language and Communication in Mathematics Education International Perspectives

    Published 2018
    Table of Contents: “…The interplay of language and objects in the process of abstracting -- 7. Interactional processes in inclusive mathematics teaching -- 8. …”
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  11. 671

    The adolescent brain learning, reasoning, and decision making

    Published 2012
    Table of Contents: “….] -- Semantic and associative relations in adolescents and young adults : examining a tenuous dichotomy / Ken McRae, Saman Khalkhali, and Mary Hare -- Representation and transfer of abstract mathematical concepts in adolescence and young adulthood / Jennifer A. …”
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  12. 672

    Genetic research on addiction ethics, the law, and public health

    Published 2012
    Table of Contents: “…Machine generated contents note: Abstracts; Part I. Introduction: 1. Introduction to volume Audrey R. …”
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  13. 673
  14. 674

    Introduction to Computation and Programming Using Python with Application to Computational Modeling and Understanding Data by Guttag, John V. 1949-

    Published 2021
    Table of Contents: “…Designing programs using abstract data types -- 10.1.3. Using classes to keep track of students and faculty -- 10.2. …”
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  15. 675
  16. 676
  17. 677
  18. 678
  19. 679
  20. 680