Bell and O'keefe's Sale of food and drugs
Children's television the economics of exploitation
Form and Content of Company Accounts Comprehensive coverage of disclosure requirements of the Companies Act 1985, SSAPs and the Yellow Book
Planning law and procedure
The Town and Country Planning Act, 1968 and the Civic Amenities Act, 1967
The gist of planning law a guide to the Town and Country Planning Acts 1962 and 1963, and cognate legislation with comparative index
Land law and registration
Land, law and planning cases, materials and text
Ranking, Spicer, and Pegler's Executorship law and accounts
MEETINGS Their Law and Practice
Houseman and Davies law of life assurance
Fire and motor insurance
Land Law in Malaysia Cases and Commentary
The law of consumer credit consumer credit and security over personality in Singapore
Control of pollution act 1974
Practical share valuation
Corporate finance law