The public general acts tables of short titles and effect of legislation and subject index
Bell and O'keefe's Sale of food and drugs
Vocational courses in art and design
Sweet & Maxwell's family law statutes
Tolstoy on divorce and matrimonial causes, including proceedings in Magistrates' Courts
The Town and Country Planning Act, 1968 and the Civic Amenities Act, 1967
The gist of planning law a guide to the Town and Country Planning Acts 1962 and 1963, and cognate legislation with comparative index
Slater's Mercantile law
Hire-purchase law and practice
Attachment of earnings a guide to the Attachment of earnings act 1971 -- including the complete text of the Act as an appendix
Design of forms in government departments
Industrial relations
Control of pollution act 1974
Companies law and practice second cumulative supplement to 4th ed.
Road traffic legislation 1972 being the annotated texts of the Road traffic act 1972 and the Road traffic (foreign vehicles) act 1972
Housing the family
New contributions to economic statistics
Company organisation and worker participation survey commissioned by the Department of Employment of attitudes and practices in industrial democracy with special emphasis on the prospects for employee directors
Dix on contracts of employment with special reference to the Contracts of Employment, Redundancy Payments and Industrial Relations Acts
The law of easements and profits